Limit Corn in Our Bird's Diet
Corn is safe to feed parrots raw or cooked. It’s usually the first ingredient in most pellets, as well as included in seed mixes as well. But corn can be problematic in parrots if given too much.
First, corn is high in sugar. This can become problematic with our parrots because in most homes, the parrot doesn’t have the ability to burn that extra energy. Parrots in our homes are inherently lazy either because we clip their wings, breeders never let the birds fly, as well as most cages are small for parrots, or they do not get out enough. Extra sugar in a parrots diet can lead to more stereotypical behaviors, as well as it’s been seen to cause FDB.
Second, it’s high in carbs, which parrots that have excess will want to be more hormonal. This can cause a slew of issues like nesting, prolapsing, egg binding, overlaying, aggression, and even FDB again.
With corn already being a main component in pellets, you’re bird is already getting so much corn day to day that it should be limited in other parts of their diet to ensure health. Birds are very sensitive to the diet they eat, which not only affect them medically but it can affect their behaviors as well. Corn is fun and safe to feed your parrot fresh, but just think about the amount of corn they’re getting and how that might be affecting them physically and behaviorally.
I like getting these little corns once a month for my birds to have! That way they still get some, but it’s not in excess.